Hollingworth Hall

Hollingworth Hall


Hollingworth Hall"The Ancient family was seated here antecedent to the conquest. The pedigree, which states that the family had large estates in France, commences in 1022. In regular descent to the present proprietor: Robert De Holllyngworth."
     "The Hall is very ancient and retains its original site; and remains of stonework betokening Edwardian (14th Century) origin yet exist, But the general character of the building refers to the period of Henry VI (15th Century)."
     "It was originally Quadrangular with chapel, great hall, and gate tower: The latter is till remaining."
     "A few relics of ancient armour, old pictures and stag antlers hang upon the walls of the old dining hall and many of the rooms still retain their tapestried hangings."
     "It is the intention of the present proprietor to restore the Hall to its present character as represented by the annexed views."

NOTE: The above was written in 1850. Robert De Hollyngworth (6ft - 5in tall) was a Captain in the 6th Dragoon Guards, with which regiment he served in India. He was a Deputy-Lieutenant for the County, and a magistrate, much respected in Hyde. According to one article, Robert prided himself on being able to trace his ancestry to the year 1002 (I wonder if the date should have been 1022?). He died January 31, 1865. He never finished the restoration of the Hall and his estate including Hollingworth Hall was left to his brother, Dennis, who sold it the following year, 1866.


Hollingworth Hall OutbuildingsHollingworth Hall stood until WWII. The building was abandoned at that point and owned by a local municipal commision. The army wanted the building for a soldier rehab location, but the local commission did not want the expense of repairing the building and so regrettably this wonderful example of ancient English architecture was torn down. All that reamins today are the out buildings, which are now part of a bed and breakfast.